Our Ministry: Holy Name: Is an Independent Evangelical Catholic Community, empowered by the Holy Spirit to live and proclaim the Gospel. We are a sacramental community, nurtured and energized by the liturgical life of the church to realize the kingdom of God, especially through a commitment proclaiming Jesus as Lord. We are a community that fosters the spiritual growth of each member and is, in turn, enriched by that growth.
We also affirm all people as children of God, including those who doubt, who seek, who question, who have experienced rejection, and we welcome all to full participation in the sacramental life, leadership and ministry of the church.
Our Mission
We are a community growing in our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, a group of faithful Christians striving to follow the simple way of our Lord Jesus. Our worship and liturgy is to edify our Lord and by no means the only way, but merely one avenue by which we seek to go more deeply into the freedom to love one another. Holy Name Community Catholic Chapel, Ltd. is a work in progress just as we are as individuals. As we learn from one another how to live faithfully in the here and now, yet holding on to the biblical tenets of the Apostles and the Church Fathers in Christ Jesus. It is our hope for this church family of Christian faith to become a visible expression of the Lord's love for each other, in this community as well as in this dark and broken world.
Jesus is: Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6 (KJV)
Jesus is Lord. The Word must be proclaimed for it is true and complete. The Bible is the Word that became Flesh and dwelt among us. The Holy Word of God has everything needed for salvation and is the recipe for life.
Our Church.
Holy Name Chapel is a family church. Its members, visitors, and all who come through its doors, come to worship the Lord and Savior both in Word and in Sacrament. The Holy Eucharist is central to our worship. We worship Sundays and most Holy Days. Everyone is welcome to come and hear the Word of God as we confess Christ crucified and our love for the Lord. Our Lord has died, He is risen and He WILL come again. Amen!
Our Daily BREAD
Up coming Services October & November
Oct 13 Trinity XXI 9:30 a.m. Said Mass
Oct 16 Bible Study – 6:30 p.m. (Fellowship 5:45p)
Oct 19 Parish Breakfast 8:45 a.m.
Oct 20 The Feast of Saint Luke 9:30 a.m. SHM
BLESSING of the Animals 3:00 p.m.
Oct 23 Bible Study – 6:30 p.m. (Fellowship 5:45p)
Oct 27 The Feast of Christ the King SHM 9:30 a.m.
Solemn Evensong & Benediction 6:00 p.m.
Oct 30 Bible Study – 6:30 p.m. (Fellowship 5:45p)
Oct 30 Bible Study – 6:30 p.m. (Fellowship 5:45p)
Oct 31 All Hollows Eve (All Saints Eve)
Nov 01 ALL SAINTS Mass 6:30 p.m.
Nov 02 All Souls Day
Nov 02 Change clocks back one hour before going to bed
Nov 03 Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles (Sung Mass)
Nov 05 VOTING/ELECTION DAY – Please go vote!
Nov 06 Bible Study – 6:30 p.m. (Fellowship 5:45p)
The Parish of Holy Name - Parish Council Members for 2024
David Trapeni, Parish Warden
Toni MacPherson, Parish Secretary, Altar Guild Chair, Lector
Marion Halsey, Jr. Warden, Asst. Treasurer, Altar Guild, Lector
Louie Rousseau, Altar Server, Sub-Deacon, Thurifer
Elizabeth Noyes, Card Ministry, Acolyte, Lector, Prayer Team
Tammy Draper, Altar Guild, Acolyte, Fundraisers, Prayer Team
David R. Beer, Sub Deacon, Acolyte Chair
Jim Cote, Outreach
Roxane Boliver, Prayer Team
Teresa M. Beer, Chair of Prayer Team Guild and Lector
Louie Rousseau and Roxane Boliver, Parish Sextons
The Head of the Church: Jesus Christ, Bishop
Clergy: The Rev. D.R. MacPherson, Priest/Pastor
People: The Disciples of the Lord in His Vineyard
Holy Week & Easter at HNCCC
Happy 93rd birthday (2019) to Joe and Anniversary Blessing to David & Diane
Seder Supper Tuesday Holy Week
The Garden (All Night Prayer Vigil)
He is Risen! Easter Egg Cross
Happy 95th birthday (2021) Joe T. and Anniversary to David & Diane
Happy Birthday to our Toni
Birthday Blessings
Daily Prayers
Click here.
Annual trip to Sight & Sound 2024